Sunday, September 5, 2010

Church Outreach Ideas for the Internet: SEO

Wouldn't it be great to be able to just go out and tell thousands about the Gospel, and see hundreds of souls saved? Better still, why not do it from your home?

The internet provides an excellent method to evangelize. But in order to use the internet effectively for your church outreach, you must make sure that people know your church exists in the first place. One of the best ways to do that is to search engine optimize your website. These steps include modifying your site content and code to be optimized for your targeting keywords. It also includes link building to establish your website firmly within local searches on the internet. Since SEO requires some technical expertise, it would be good stewardship to invest in hiring a search engine optimization agency who can perform the necessary keyword research, copy and HTML code modifications, and submit your website to the search engines.

Hopefully, with search engine optimization, your church website will show up in the list of Top 10 results where people can find you.